Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Right Cardio for You

Have you ever wondered what cardio is best for you? I have always teetered back before between the treadmill and the elliptical since I tend to get bored of one after awhile. However, each of them gave me different results in my work out. Running on the treadmill made me burn fat faster while working on the elliptical made me more toned, which I am currently including in my daily workout.

The image below informs you on what should be your ideal cardio workout for when you want to lose that stubborn fat. I think it is extremely helpful!

What workout works better for your goals and needs? Because of this picture I think I will stick to the elliptical trainer. Also, I think I will try the step machine, just to switch it up a couple times a week. I always like to tone my glute and thighs, who doesn't?

And just remember...

Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:
Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:
Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:
Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:
Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:
Stretching has other benefits like reducing your risk of injuries and improving your overall athleticism - See more at:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

150 Second Abs

150 Second Abs

Key Points: -No rest between sets until 3 minutes is up
                    -Clock runs continuously until 150 seconds
                    -Continue to do as many 90 second sessions when possible

Step 1: Begin stopwatch

Exercise 1: Bicycles
As many as possible for first 30 seconds

Exercise 2: Exercise Ball Crunch
As many as possible until clock hits 60 seconds

Exercise 3: Vertical leg crunch
As many as possible until clock reaches 90 seconds

Exercise 4:Leg lifts
As many as possible until clock reaches 120 seconds

Exercise 5: Planks
Remaining 30 seconds until clock reaches 150

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Delicious and Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories? Can't Be!

Who has a sweet tooth?! I know I have a serious case of snacking whether it be a Reese's cup (who doesn't LOVE Reese's) or baby carrots.

But sweet snacking will for sure get in the way of being fit. It's easy to say you go to the gym and work out heavily but it's not as easy to be home and eat whatever is in your fridge.

I found this picture on Pinterest and thought it would be the perfect blog post for you SHU students and Fight For Fit. Being a college student, you are constantly on the run from class, to your internship and then hanging with friends. So its easy to grab something unhealthy, if its convenient. Snacking can be a lot of fun but if you are going to live a healthy life style, you might as well snack healthy.

I actually frequently snack on these treats daily featured in this image. My favorite being ANYTHING with peanut butter and anything with fruit.

So what do you think? Will you try these snacks out (hey, they are under 100 calories, you can't go wrong!)

And of course, here is the weekly motivation picture of the week. Did you go the gym this week?! I know I did! 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not enough time today to make it to the gym?

Does your work/school day not give you enough time to make it to the gym?

Why not get a quick workout in at home before school or work?

A few "Do it at home exercises" to fulfill your day!

Excercise #1: Push-ups
 4 sets
15 reps each set
1- 1 1/2 minutes of rest between sets
Key points: Keep back perfectly straight, if a regular push-up is to hard at first, start with your knees on the ground instead of your feet

 Exercise #2: Pull-up
4 sets
10-12 reps each set
1-1 1/2 minutes of rest between sets
Key points: Chin ups are a safe alternative and much easier, Can be done anywhere in a house or 
outside that allows you to hang safely

Excercise #3: Crunches
3 or 4 sets
15 to 20 reps per set
2 minute rest in between sets
Key points: recommend to do exercise on carpet or mat, do not put alot of stress on neck, speed is not the key

Exercise #4: Laying leg lifts
3 sets
20-25 reps per set
1 1/2 minutes of rest between sets
Key points: keep back firm on ground, contract abdominal muscles at top of movement, keeps legs straight and together 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Get What Needs to be Done

Ladies, and maybe guys as well, listen up!

I know it could be hard to try to get to the gym at least 4 to 5 days a week during the semester here at SHU (today I had to push myself to get to the Pitt since I had to wake up for my dreadful 8 AM this morning). And on days I do not go to the gym, I always feel extremely guilty. But, that just makes me go harder the next day at the gym.

So if you ever have these days where you just cannot seem to fathom going to the gym because of piling homework or unbearable stress, try this easy workout to get some killer lazy girl abs. You can even do it on your bed right before you sleep!

Don't know how to do these some of these workouts? I always make may way to the great ol' Youtube to watch tutorials of the naturals doing it if I'm not too sure the proper way to do it.

So feel guilty no more! You can always squeeze a workout in during a busy SHU semester, even if its on your bed!

And of course, here is my fitness motivation picture of the week! Hopefully this will get you off you little behinds this week!

5 Mass Building Tips

Gain size immediatly!

You want to gain muscle mass, that is why you are here. I will provide you with 5 simple steps to help you reach your goal.

Tip 1: Feed yourself like a man
          To gain plates in the gym, you need to add plates to your diet at the dinner table. Every meal is very important. Working out and not eating correctly will bring you almost no where. Your body does not build muscle during the workout, muscle grows during recovery. That is why it is important to overload your body with the correct calories. 

Tip 2: Pattern your sleeping
          Your body needs atleast 8 hrs of sleep. Your body builds the most muscle during recovery and sleep. Deep sleep increases testosterone levels and growth hormones. If you are to busy, or work late shifts, take a nap when you can. Any resting time is recovery time from a hard workout

Tip 3: Compound excercies
         Compound exercises do not only prove strength, but promote. Dead lifts, squats, push ups, chin-ups,  and military presses are all important in a workout. These exercises involve more then one direct muscle group. Useing multiple muscle groups build muscle amoung many areas instead of just one. These excercises are also very important because they make use of your own body weight. Including these workouts will also help shorten your workout. For example, if you can squat 300+ lbs for reps, what are weighted leg lifts really gona help? These excercises also will build your body proportional. You do not want to be that monster guys with chicken legs do you?

Tip 4: Limit your workouts
         Your workout should never exceed 1 hour. If you are not able to do a whole workout in that time, you are obviously slacking in the gym. Your peak workout is within the first 30 minutes. It is mostly important because you need to keep your anabolic hormones at high levels. These levels begin to gradually decrease after 30-40 minutes.

Tip 5: Train around 75% of your 1 RM
          Trainging anywhere from 70 to 80% percent of your 1 rep max, will lead you to higher growth gains. This is usually about 5 to 8 reps depending on your endurance and speed. For example, if your max bench press is 225, you should be able to do 5-8 reps of 160-180 lbs. This will maximize your anabolic hormoes giving you the max potential of the workout.

Pre-Exercise Evaluation

Pre-Exercise Evaluations

       Pre-Exercise Evaluations are very important before you begin working out. It should be a thorough test including past and current information about you. One of the most important test is a preliminary physical examination that should be performed by a professional qualified examination. This is important because you may be at high risk to injury depending on your current physical standing. The most common components of physical examination include your body weight. Your BMI (body mass index) includes waist girth, body composition, and what percent of body fat is desirable.
       Your BMI is the base test related to all physical examination. Each person carries a different BMI because everyone is physically built different. This is the reason why each person has a different seated, resting, supine, and standing blood pressure. Different factors all play a role in personal blood pressure that is why it is important to know your personal status in every situation. Auscultation of the lungs specifies absences of rales, wheezes, and other breathing sounds . This also reveals your palpation of the cardiac apical impulse, also known as PMI (point of maximum impulse). It is also very important to test your heart. The auscultation of the heart pays specific attention to testing heart murmors, gallops, clicks, and rubs.
        Pre-Exercise evaluations are very important for a few reasons. These tests show you if you are at potential risks for disease, or even if your body is not physically ready to start working out. One of the most common in a person is CVD (Cardio vascular disease). Patients with current CVD are listed as high risk patients. People who currently have CVD before they begin to workout should consider further testing. Other tests could include carotid ultrasound, peripheral vascular studies, chest radiograph, and comprehensive blood chemistry testing to list a few.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Let's Get Motivated!

Welcome to Fight for Fit Fitness Blog! Tucker and I (Amanda) would love to guide you to your most fittest and healthiest year of your life! We will be posting all different work outs and meal ideas along with motivating words and images weekly.

What is great about Fight For Fit is we will be giving you fitness perspectives for a guy and a girl, which we are both in our senior year of college at Sacred Heart University.

For me, I think it all starts with motivation when it comes to being fit and healthy. A little motivation is good way to start off your day and especially your daily workout. While surfing Pinterest this afternoon, I saw this image and immediately was motivated and inspired to squeeze in my daily gym time.  It may even motivate you to get into your sneaks and go work out!


Being fit is not just going to the gym or working out from your home with barely any effort. It is about being dedicated to being in your best shape and also EATING HEALTHY. Believe me, I know that may be the hardest part.

If we all motivate each other, maybe by looking at motivating Pinterest and Instagram blogs or even having a gym buddy (I think that is one of the best ways to get you to go to the gym), 2013 will be the fittest year of our lives!