Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Humpday Boost!

I'm all about the motivation. Especially since this week because for me, this week has been DRAGGING on. But for me, going to the gym is an escape. So if you are feeling a little run down this week, try these motivational steps to get you going!

Out of those motivational tips, I think the most helpful to me are: look at pictures of what you want your body like, SUMMER, music and weight loss. If you get a chance to browse on Tumblr or Pinterest of any Victoria's Secret model, just imagine you too could look like that! And then you will feel just like them when they model on those gorgeous and exotic beaches modeling those adorable swimsuits. Who would have known to run off a small cookie it would take you to run 12 laps around a football field. If this does not make you think twice about binging on cookies, I don't know what will!

I saw this picture before and I thought it would be the most perfect motivation to get us girls to the gym. Of course, it has to do with hottie mchottie, Ryan Gosling and who doesn't love a cute little puppy?
My Fitness Inspiration... Ryan Gosling

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Build your chest today!

Chest Building Exercises

Dumbbell Bench Press
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Other Muscles: ShouldersTriceps 
Equipment: Dumbbell 
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Beginner
Sport: No
Force: Push

Barbell Incline Bench Press - Medium Grip

Also Known As: 
Exercise Data
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Other Muscles: ShouldersTriceps 
Equipment: Barbell 
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Beginner
Sport: No
Force: Push

Leverage Incline Chest Press
Also Known As: 
Exercise Data
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Other Muscles: ShouldersTriceps 
Equipment: Machine 
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Beginner
Sport: No
Force: Push

Dumbbell Flyes
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Equipment: Dumbbell 
Mechanics Type: Isolation
Sport: No
Force: Push

Cable Crossover
Also Known As: 
Exercise Data 
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Other Muscles: Shoulders 
Equipment: Cable

Neck Press
Also Known As: 
Exercise Data 
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Chest 
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps 
Equipment: Barbell

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Social Media Accounts that get you Motivated

Scrolling through your Twitter and Instagram feed could be the most entertaining and boredom killer we could be doing on our iPhones. So why not check out some accounts that will give you work out tips and motivation? I love to favorite tweets from my favorite fitness accounts to reference back to in the future. And who doesn't screen shot images from Instagram? The majority of my screen shots are from my favorite Instagram fitness accounts with work out and fitness ideas that I always look back to.
I would like to share with you my favorite accounts that I get a lot of tips and motivation from! Hope this will liven up your social media feeds and just give you some great ideas to help stay fit.

My favorite fitness Twitter accounts are as follows:
1. @FITNESS - Fitness & Nutrition - Daily tips on health, nutrition, fitness, dieting and more. Helping you build a better you!

2. @FITNESSpics - Fitness Motivation - Daily images of motivation and fitness

3. @LiveFitToday - Health & Fitness - Here to inspire people to become healthy, work out, eat right and live a longer life. Live Fit Today

and now for Instagram...

1.  @igfitclub - Find your inspiration, motivation and fitspiration here with best photos of fit women and instagram fit enthusiasts!

2. @fightforfit - LIVE HEALTHY = BE HAPPY!

3. @getyourdreambody_ - post inspirational pictures to help you get your dream body!

So go ahead and follow these great social media accounts. I know I get so excited when I see an update from them and of course they are always so uplifting for me. The great work out and health tips are always a plus as well!

This motivational picture of the week actually comes from the Instagram @GETYOURDREAMBODY:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

City man's workout

No local gyms around?

To nice to workout inside?

City Man's Workout

Duration: About 1 hour

Needed: Stop watch

Step 1: Slight jog for about 1/4 mile, begin stretches on all muscle groups

Step 2: Jog at a constant pace for 10 minutes (can be any distance including inclines and declines)

Step 3: Slow jog down to a brisk walk for 5 minutes

Step 4: Immediately stop and complete 75 crunches in a safe area, 3 sets of 25 with a 30 second break in between sets

 Step 5: Begin a slow pace walk for 1 minute and gradually pick up speed to a jog and remain a constant speed for 10 minutes

Step 6:  Take a 1 minute break

Step 7: Find a safe area and complete 50 push-ups, do 5 sets of 10 with 1 minute of rest between sets
 Step 8: Begin 15 minute jog back towards house

Step 9: When 15 minute jog clock reaches 13:30 begin maximum speed spreet util you reach 15 minutes, and begin to slow down to a jog, and when comfortable begin walking

Step 10: Walk the remaining distance back to your residence and begin 10 minute stretch